Study Permit

A Perfect Guide for International Students

Student Visa

The study permit is a document that Immigration issue Which allows foreign nationals to study at designated learning institutions (DLI) in Canada. Most foreign nationals need a study permit to study in Canada.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants are allowed to apply for Study Permit if they meet below mentioned requirements:
  1. Be able to convince the visa officer that you will honor the terms of temporary resident permit (study permit) and will leave the country once the study is complete.
  2. You are required to have a letter of acceptance from a Designated learning institution in order to submit an application for a study permit
  3. Proof of financial resources to pay for tuition fees and living expenses for yourself and accompanying family members.
  4. Police clearance
  5. Not be a risk to the security of Canada
  6. Be in good health (complete a medical examination, if required
  7. You are enrolled at a designated learning institution (DLI)
  8. Prove you have enough money to pay for your:
  • Tuition fees
  • Living expenses for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada and
  • Return transportation for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada
  1. Obey the law, have no criminal record and get a police certificate (if required)
  2. You are in good health and get a medical exam (if required)
  3. Prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your study permit expires

Your Responsibilities

While Studying in Canada you must:
  1. Have a valid study permit.
  2. You are a full-time student at a designated learning institution (DLI).
  3. You have started studying.
  4. You are in a program that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate and is at least six months long and
  5. You have a Social Insurance Number (SIN).
  6. Make progress towards completing your program
  7. Respect any conditions listed on your study permit
  8. Stop studying if you no longer meet the requirements and leave Canada when your permit expires
  9. Depending on your case, there may be conditions on your study permit such as:
    • If you’re allowed to work in Canada
    • If you’re allowed to travel .within Canada
    • The date you must stop studying.


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